
is the reason why we cannot watch bootleg movies, listen pirated music, etc. It is such a controversial issue because there are a lot of people who disrespect copyright and consume pirated things. Musicians, filmmakers, authors, etc, are making money from their works. That’s why they are so sensitive about copyright matters.

Let’s just put it in another context. If you’re working as a waitress, doctor, lawyer, accountant, shop assistant, etc – you would like to receive your full salary, right? It’s very very very unusual if you can just sit and relax if your payment is being cut - even if you’re still very rich after the cut. Imagine living in a penthouse when you could have been living in a castle. It is the same thing with copyright. Buying a pirated DVD is an action of cutting those filmmakers’ earnings.

Honestly, I am also a pirate consumer. I’m actually writing this to encourage myself to stop consuming pirates. If in the future I become a filmmaker, my heart would be broken if 10 million people watch the pirated DVD of my movie. I’d rather give them the film for free.

No I’m just kidding.

What I’m curious about is… Youtube and copyright. There are lots and lots and lots, I mean, LOTS of movies and music and even comic books on Youtube, which means the access to piracy has become bigger. Youtube is actually a pro copyright and there are lots of videos that have been deleted or muted by Youtube. This is nigahiga’s response to copyright:

It’s controversial and confusing for me, this Youtube and copyright thing because Youtube can't just remove every video that doesn't have copyright. It may have a positive side, free promotion, like nigahiga said. But still… you know…

Here is where you can find complete information about copyright definition, laws, and cases.

Tell me your comments. :)

This is just a little addition for my previous post, because I didn’t justify one important point:

Citizen journalists have to follow journalism ethics as well.

That’s really important guys, it’s a matter of ‘trust’ and ‘honor’ (quoting from my reading by Dan Gillmor.)


  1. Lanita A on March 11, 2010 at 7:24 PM

    His gladys, I think i just make a big mistake understanding for the preview comment, so i delete it.

    Anyway your topic about copyright and youtube already catch my attention. Many people like doing illegal copy because easy, cheap and fast. To be honest, I already be one of this people. However, after i read and going trough about what you write. I just realised copyright is the best things to decrease the illegal copy. From now i should not thinks of the legal copy just for my benefit, but i also need to thinks the person who really work hard make the movie. So thats about copyright. From Youtube, actually i still confusing about video and the how youtube work. But, the point that i get, we cannot remove the video youtube which does not have copyright because of promotion. But still, i think there got some positive part but also negative things.

    So, what do you things gladys, which one is dominant, the best things or the bad things??? thats really fascinating if you give some opinion about that.

  2. Gladys G on March 11, 2010 at 8:26 PM

    His too lanita.. :p
    Im so happy that you agree with me. Even though copyright laws are understood by everybody, people still ignore it and watch bootlegs.
    To be honest, I'm as confused as you, honey. Free promotion is good but if it doesnt have copyright, its is not good..
    Finally, I think Youtube is a wonderful website to see other people's creativity and develop ours at the same time. But, it has opened a huge opportunity for a lot of people to consume pirated things.
    I do think that it's not Youtube's fault that more and more people upload non-copyrighted videos.

    Thanks a lot for your comment, lani!

  3. Nargol Behnam on March 11, 2010 at 8:58 PM

    hey gladys!!
    i have to say i totally agree with you in the sense that in countries where we have full access in all forms of media production, music ,art and etc.. it is a form of stealing to download anything without full authorization and payment to the creators, but think about this, there are some countries ,such as where i come from ( Iran ), that citizens do not have access to all sorts of music ,because according to Islamic Republic rules, all western singer's music should be prohibited . however , obviously just as the rest of the world ,everyone listens to all sorts of music ,and the reason why that happens is mainly because most people download it down the internet. so basically it can be a good way of distributing music and art everywhere around the globe

  4. Gladys G on March 11, 2010 at 9:30 PM

    Hey Nargol! Thanks for your comment...
    That case is really interesting and I didn't know about that before you told me.
    Well, I think there is a positive side of piracy. On the other side, it's still breaking the law.
    I'm still unsure about whether it is right or not. But if those things could make the citizens in your country able to access Western musics and thoughts, it could be a good thing.
    My opinion is, your government should just allow people to consume foreign productions. It's the same thing because people now could just download it from the internet. Why don't make it legal and people could consume it legally? :D

  5. Nargol Behnam on March 12, 2010 at 2:52 AM

    yeah but that would take year and years to come,,as you saw what just happened in iran and what i discussed in my blog is the proof to that matter . the goverment won't allow it and if you say anything against the goverment it is not at all accepted. and those laws are not about to change ,so people recieve this sort of content through satellite , internet ,and sometimes from people who have already purchased the material elsewhere.
    btw - i wanted to reply to your comment but it was not posted on my blog :D

  6. Marika on March 18, 2010 at 6:23 PM

    Hi Gladys! Thanks for an interesting read about issues that surround copyright.
    This post caught my eye because like alot of other people, I have been partial to a bit of 'illegal downloading' in the past. It's extremely quick and easy, and best of all, it's free. For a student, when something is 'free', you've got to take it, it's a steal! Literally!
    It's interesting that you ask, how would you feel if somebody did not pay you your full wage if you were a waitress, doctor, lawyer etc? It put things into perspective for me. I don't think I would be very happy about this at all. It certainly wouldn't be fair.
    Your comments have really made me think twice about the material that I'm downloading, and where it has come from.
    I watch programs on YouTube all the time for example, just like you said. Not once have I ever considered that there might be copyright issues to contend with.
    I don't think the illegal downloading phenomenon will cease (it's just too damn easy!), but for me, personally, I'll be thinking things through alot more before downloading any of this material. Thanks Gladys!

  7. MelkiHassa on March 22, 2010 at 5:03 AM

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  8. MelkiHassa on March 22, 2010 at 5:16 AM

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  9. MelkiHassa on March 22, 2010 at 5:36 AM

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  10. Gladys G on March 23, 2010 at 8:05 PM

    Thanks to you, too! I'm so happy that this post inspire you Marika :D.
    IT IS HARD to stay away from pirated musics and movies, especially for us students with limited money. Those things inspire us to be creative, right? At least, that's what I think.. :)


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